The Helmholtz-SESAME soft x-ray beamline (HESEB) is a new state-of-the-art beamline that came into operation in 2023 at the SESAME synchrotron radiation facility.
The second edition of the HESEB soft X-ray lectures & training course will take place on 4-5 December, 2024. The course provides prospective users with the essential theoretical and experimental background in using soft x-ray in their scientific research. The participants will gain their first practical experience at HESEB.
The program takes two full days at SESAME and includes:
- Lectures on soft x-ray science and related instrumentation
- Hands-on training and participation in HESEB's experimental activities
- Opportunities for networking with international experts
- Hints for writing successful beamtime proposals
Participation in the hands-on training is limited to ten participants - PhD students and first-year postdocs. Participants in former HESEB events are not eligible.
Successful applicants will receive a daily allowance and get their travel and accommodation expenses reimbursed.
The program targets researchers from universities and research institutions in a SESAME member (Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, Palestine, and Türkiye). The candidates are expected to have concrete ideas for the use of soft x-rays in their research even if they lack the necessary experience.
The candidates are requested to register here. The organizers may invite prospective candidates for a 15-minute Zoom interview prior to announcing selection results.
The deadline for registration is September 15, 2024.