
In a groundbreaking week, both the ID10-BEATS and the ID11L-HESEB beamlines of SESAME hosted their first group of scientific users.
News | 25 February, 2024
Through its Five-Year Strategic Plan (2024-2028) just published, SESAME embarks on the five year’s road ahead. The Plan provides information on the background and structure of the Center and what has been achieved so far. It describes its vision for the next five years. It defines the capital funding that it needs to grow, and reports on the staff levels and operational budgets that will be needed up to 2028.
News | 01 December, 2023
The Advanced Light Source celebrates 30 years of operation.
News | 11 October, 2023
At its 42nd meeting, the Council of SESAME approved Iraq’s request to become an Associate Member of SESAME. This will make Iraq the first Associate Member of SESAME, and will pave the way to its full membership in the future.
News | 25 July, 2023
After more than 2 years of remote gatherings via online platforms, users meet once again at SESAME.
News | 07 July, 2023
First X-ray photon beam successfully delivered to the experimental station of the BEATS beamline.
News | 22 May, 2023
SESAME’s 2 new Solid State Modulators for its Microtron funded by INFN and PSI are now in operation.
News | 12 April, 2023
The fourth beamline expands the scientific capability at SESAME.
News | 12 June, 2022
Registration for 75th Anniversary event on Thursday, 28th April 2022, is open.
News | 24 April, 2022
SESAME to have new Solid State Modulators for its Microtron.
News | 04 April, 2022