SESAME Cultural Heritage Day

Publish Date
17 December, 2021

An online event to promote cultural heritage sciences at SESAME

Wednesday, 16 February 2022

9am - 1pm EET / 8am - 12pm CET

Synchrotron radiation sources have made profound impacts on the study of cultural and natural heritage, including non-destructive investigations of archaeological / historical objects, artworks and artefacts as well as human remains.

The synchrotron radiation facility SESAME ( offers scientific access in a region that is known for its richness in archaeological, cultural and natural heritage. Many highly-esteemed museums, collections, research institutions and universities in the region have departments dedicated to the scientific and art historical research into their heritage. At SESAME a highly useful and versatile research tool of highest analytical finesse for researchers, conservators, and cultural heritage specialists in the area is available which has widest applicability across the domains of archaeology and cultural heritage. 

The SESAME Cultural Heritage Day is targeted towards cultural heritage officials, experts and interested scientists from relevant public authorities, departments, and research institution to increase the awareness and visibility of the experimental capabilities at SESAME for the study and analysis of cultural heritage. We will showcase concrete research highlights at SESAME and help to explore with the interested participant’ various pathways how to develop research ideas into concrete proposals and research projects.

For Registration and program information, please visit:

The SESAME Cultural Heritage Day is organized by SESAME and the BEATS and HESEB consortia. It will be an online event and part of a larger campaign to promote cultural heritage research at SESAME. A follow-up event in 2022 at the site of the SESAME research facility will be organized.  
