1st LinkSCEEM Thematic Workshop for Climate Research

25 August, 2011

Date: 11th – 13th of October 2011

Sponsors: The European Commission (DG-INFSO) and the Cyprus Institute

Cyprus Institute (http://www.cyi.ac.cy/), Nicosia, Cyprus.

Program: The objective of the workshop is to provide highly motivated trainees interested in the fields of climate modeling and high performance computing the fundamental skills in climate research and numerical modeling. The program in will cover topics in basic atmospheric physics and dynamics, coupling of complex sea-air regimes, numerical modeling of atmospheric flows and regional climate modeling. The workshop sessions will include:

  1. Introduction to Atmospheric Science and Global Change, 11th of October.
  2. Introduction to Numerical Modeling of Atmospheric Flows, 12th of October
  3. Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Modeling, 12th of October
  4. Regional Atmospheric Dynamics, 13th of October
  5. Regional Climate Change Modeling, 13th of October

Successful candidates will be given access to a LinkSCEEM e-Infrastructure supercomputer to perform their research; they will also get a chance to attend a follow-up thematic workshop in a year in advanced climate modeling and high performance computing.

The list of trainers includes experts in atmospheric science, numerical modeling and high performance computing from Germany and Egypt. The final program of the workshop and the trainers will be available by September 15th and announced on the LinkSceem-2 website http://www.linksceem.eu

Participation: Participation is limited to 25 trainees. Interested participants should apply before September 10th, 2011, if applying for funding, September 30th, 2011, otherwise. Each applicant must complete the application in the next page and include a short paragraph highlighting his/her research goals. A letter of reference will be highly appreciated. Please send the completed application form to Basman Elhadidi via email ( belhadid@syr.edu).

Available Funding: There are 15 funded competitive fellowships available. Costs covered include travel and accommodation. Partial funding for meals will be offered. The School Admission Committee will decide on funding eligibility. Selected applicants will be notified by the 15th of September.

More information: B. Elhadidi ( belhadid@syr.edu), H. Merx ( hendrik.merx@mpic.de)

About LinkSCEEM-2: The LinkSCEEM-2 project (www.linksceem.eu) aims at the establishment of a HPC eco-system in the Eastern Mediterranean region by interlinking and coordinating regional compute, storage and visualization resources to form an integrated e-infrastructure. The main project objective is to enable scientific research in the region by engaging and supporting research communities with an initial emphasis in the fields of climate research, digital cultural heritage and synchrotron applications. To achieve its mission, the project will link e-resources, provide user support and training, carry out targeted networking activities, and, develop and implement a well-structured HPC resource allocation mechanism. LinkSCEEM-2 receives EC funding through grant RI261600.