2nd SESAME-LinkSCEEM Summer School

21 November, 2012

 The 2nd SESAME-LinkSCEEM Summer School
11 - 13 September, 2012
SESAME, Amman, Jordan

The 2nd SESAME-LinkSCEEM Summer School took place at SESAME site during the period form 11 - 13 September, 2012. The School was attended by more than 20 qualified applicants with Synchrotron Radiation and HPC background coming from Mediterranean region and the linkSCEEM-2 partner institutions ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility) and SESAME (Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East).

The school was for three days with practical sessions of how to access and use the LinkSCEEM-2 resources also covering HPC techniques for synchrotron radiation application where a special and dedicated session was held explaining a real process of beamlines data collection and running the generated data over a real HPC facility located at ESRF.

The last day of the school was dedicated for the users meeting and their presentations, the school ended up with an open-day and site tour visit covering SESAME research facility and labs.

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