3rd SESAME-LinkSCEEM Summer School

23 October, 2013

The LinkSCEEM-2 FP7 project is organising a 3-day school on High Performance Computing (HPC) and its application on the Synchrotron Radiation fields, during September 8-10, 2013 at SESAME (www.sesame.org.jo), Jordan. The HPC School is part of the LinkSCEEM-2 project training activities aiming to motivate the scientists in the Middle-East region with topics related to Synchrotron Radiation (SR) and High Performance Computing (HPC) and the applications of these topics in their respective field of research.

During the first day of the school the participants will receive general introduction about HPC and its applications on the Synchrotron Radiation field. In the following 2 days each participant has to select one of the following two parallel training sessions:

  1. Density Functional Theory (DFT): Quantum Espresso and ABINIT.
  2. HPC for Bioinformatics: Tomography data collection & processing and XANES and EXAFS data analysis

The program will contain theoretical and hands-on training sessions to enable deep understanding of the concepts and their application on modern HPC. Trainees will be given access to the LinkSCEEM HPC systems where they will be able to carry out the hands-on exercises and practice what they have learned

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