4th SESAME-LinkSCEEM Summer School

07 April, 2014

Sponsors: The EU funded project (LinkSCEEM-2)

Location: Amman, Jordan, Ibis Hotel – Amman , Open One Meeting room

Language: English (School’s material will be presented in English)

Description: The LinkSCEEM-2 FP7 project is organizing a 3-day school on High Performance Computing (HPC) and its application on the Synchrotron Radiation fields, during June 15-17, 2014 at Ibis Hotel – Amman , Open One Meeting room, Amman, Jordan. The HPC School is part of the LinkSCEEM-2 project training activities aiming to motivate the scientists in the Middle-East region with topics related to Synchrotron Radiation (SR) and High Performance Computing (HPC) and the applications of these topics in their respective field of research.

Targeted people: the 4th SESAME-LinkSCEEM Summer School is targeting the young researcher, MSc and PhD student, fresh graduated is preferable who are interesting in HPC and SR topics.

Program: The workshop sessions will cover the following topics:

  1. Introduction to LinkSCEEM
  2. http://software-carpentry.org/
  3. Introduction to computational aspects of SR data analysis
  4. The pyFAI method for fast SAXS/WAXS/XRPD data processing
  5. Automatic registration of images via SIFT

Participation: Participation is limited to Eastern Mediterranean countries where the core countries are: Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Cyprus Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Palestinian Authority, Greece and the Neighboring countries are: Saudi Arabia, Libya and Iraq. The selection committee will choose the participants at the event based on the criteria outlined below:

  1. Relevance of background to the workshop topic
  2. Country of residence (Eastern Mediterranean countries)
  3. Stage of career (young researchers/graduates are preferred)

Fund: Limited fellowships are available for 30 trainees (15 from Jordan and another 15 from other Eastern Mediterranean countries) to meet part of the travel and hotel expenses for young participants. You may request that “you would be considered for funds” in the Registration Form. Fellowships will be awarded to suitable candidates who:

  1. Are involved in Computational Science/HPC research projects or studies
  2. Identify how attending this event can help in the future work
  3. Have programming experience in C, Fortran or a similar level of programming language

Deadline: Interested participants should apply before May 15th, 2014.
How to apply: Applicants should fill in the following on-line form by 15 May, 2014 (4:00 pm Central European Time) to express their interest in attending the 4th SESAME – LinkSCEEM Summer School.

School Agenda/Program (click on this link to download the pdf version):
