4th SESAME-LinkSCEEM Summer School (Report)

26 June, 2014

Event: The 4th SESAME – LinkSCEEM Summer School
Date: 15-17 June, 2014
Location: Amman - Ibis Hotel, Jordan.
Sponsors: the EU funded project, LinkSCEEM-2.

Training Topics:

  1. High Performance Computing (HPC) and its applications in the field of Synchrotron Radiation (SR).

  2. Software Carpentry Workshop.

Description of School: The 4th SESAME-LinkSCEEM Summer School took place at the Ibis Hotel - Amman in the period 15 - 17 June, 2014. The school was organized and funded in the framework of the EU LinkSCEEM-2 project by SESAME (Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East), ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility) and Software Carpentry.

More than 30 qualified applicants attended the School, whose first aim was to get interest of scientists from the Middle-East Region to topics related to High Performance Computing (HPC) and its applications to Synchrotron Radiation (SR) data analysis, with dedicated sessions on computational aspects of SR experimental data and a practical hands-one session on the pyFAI software for fast processing of X-Ray Scattering/Diffraction data (SAXS/WAXS/XRPD).

The second topic covered during the event was Software Carpentry. In this case, the aim was to help scientists and engineers to become more productive. The main subjects covered were basic and core lab skills for computing, such as program design, version control, data management, and task automation.

Important notes:

  1. School material, presentations and hands-on Virtual Machines.

  2. Click on the photograph below to browse the school's photo gallery.