Embarking on Open Science Together: SESAME's Contribution to the 2023 CERN/NASA Open Science Summit

02 December, 2023

The CERN/NASA Open Science Summit "Accelerating the Adoption of Open Science" was held at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, from 10 to 14 July, in the framework of the 2023 Year of Open Science. A wide range of attendees came to this event to share their experiences, ideas and knowledge, to support open science policies and practices, and to create useful action plans for implementing open science practices adapted to the situation concerned and the goal being sought.

The presence at the Summit of the Head of SESAME’s Scientific Computing and System Communication team (Salman Matalgah) and the Head of SESAME’s Data Collection and Analysis team (Mustafa Alzu'bi) brought added valuable insights and expertise to the summit, as well as interesting proposals for fostering open science and innovation. Both Salman and Mustafa were among those who co-authored the closing statement of the Summit, which underlines the significance of the outcomes of the event for advancing open science practices, and has since been released. 

SESAME, through its ID11L-HESEB (HElmholtz-SEsame Beamline) beamline, its H2020 ID10-BEATS (BEAmline for Tomography at SESAME) beamline, and LEAPS (League of European Accelerator-Based Photon Sources), is committed to fostering FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data and truly integrated data handling and analysis practices between European and non-European big data facilities. It is adapting community-driven approaches to all research and data perspective, as clearly recommended in the LEAPS data strategy paper published in the European Physical Journal Plus (2023) 138:617,

For more about the CERN/NASA Open Science Summit 2023: Closing Statement, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10041187 https://zenodo.org/records/10059154 .

© CERN 2023: Over 100 open science practitioners and policymakers from 70 scientific institutions were brought together to discuss how to develop, promote and implement OpenScience policies across the globe