The 4th of December 2019 marked the inauguration of SESAME’s Sergio Fubini Guest House, SESAME’s permanent Guest House which replaces the temporary Guest House that had been constructed pending construction of the former.
The Guest House will provide accommodation for scientists visiting SESAME to carry out experiments there. It will serve as an informal meeting point where visitors to SESAME may forge lasting links with each other.
The Guest House was constructed thanks to generous funds provided by the Government of Italy represented by the Ministry for Education, University and Research through INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - National Institute for Nuclear Physics).
A commemorative plaque was unveiled by the Ambassador of Italy to Jordan, H.E. Mr Fabio Cassese, in the presence of the SESAME Director, H.E. Professor Khaled Toukan, the President of the SESAME Council, Professor Rolf Heuer, the President of INFN, Professor Antonio Zoccoli, as well as the former President of INFN, Professor Fernando Ferroni, and the participants in the 35th Council meeting of SESAME that was held in Jordan on 4-5 December.
In the words of the Ambassador “In the SESAME Guest House it will be possible to see directly at work one of the great dreams of those who wanted this laboratory: scientists and experts from different disciplines living and working together in a spirit of peace, collaboration and freedom in scientific research. The choice of dedicate to Sergio Fubini, the prominent Italian scientist, underlines this commitment again.”
The building consists of 48 bedrooms which are furnished with a range of modern amenities, of which two are accessible to disabled people. Each floor contains a small kitchenette and laundry room. The ground floor has a large dining area, meeting room and lecture theater. Some furniture has been provided by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, through the Embassy of Switzerland in Amman.
The Italian multidisciplinary consultancy firm in civil engineering, architectural design, urban planning and project management INTEGRA AES provided quality assurance, works supervision services, testing and commissioning assistance for the construction work. It did so in a joint venture with the Jordanian Consolidated Consultants Group (CCG).