LinkSCEEM-2 user community is expanding to reach synchrotron users in the Middle East

22 November, 2012

To cover the networking of user for the third year of LinkSCEEM-2 project, an HPC dedicated users' meeting has been organized jointly with the 10th SESAME Users' meeting. The event was held in Amman 7 - 9 November 2012. A dedicated presentation was given by Mostafa Zoubi (SESAME's LS representative) where he explained the opportunity of LinkSCEEM HPC resources to SESAME and Synchrotron Radiation users. Also Dr. Ahmad Moussa (SCORE member | Synchrotron Computing-Oriented Regional Education under LS-2 WP5) has covered the prospective HPC and Computational Science Research in the Synchrotron Radiation fields.

In the last day of the user meeting, site visit and linkSCEEM open day has been organized at SESAME for all attendees of the Users' meeting.

For more information about linkSCEEM project please visit

To see the 10th SESAME Users' Meeting photo gallery please click on this photo