We are glad to announce that it is now possible to apply for proposals to the five operational beamlines of SESAME,
* The deadline is on February 29th, 2024, at 23:59 March 7th, 2024, at 23:59 Jordanian time. *
for the user period starting from September 1st to December 31th, 2024.
On-line submission using the SESAME Users Office at the following
URL: https://sup.sesame.org.jo/pls/vuo/guest.startup
Please, carefully check all instructions and do not hesitate to contact the beamline staff;
*BM02 - IR Infrared spectromicroscopy beamline. *
More: https://www.sesame.org.jo/beamlines/ir
*BM08 - XAFS/XRF (X-ray Absorption Fine Structure/X-ray Fluorescence) spectroscopy beamline*
More: https://www.sesame.org.jo/beamlines/xafs-xrf
*ID09 – MS/XPD Materials Science/X-ray Powder Diffraction beamline*
More: https://www.sesame.org.jo/beamlines/ms
*ID10 – BEATS (BEAmline for Tomography at SESAME) beamline*
More: https://www.sesame.org.jo/beamlines/beats
*ID11L - HESEB Helmholtz SESAME soft X-ray beamline.*
More: https://www.sesame.org.jo/beamlines/heseb