The Proposal Review Committee (PRC) is an international advisory body set up by the SESAME Director to advise him or her on the distribution of user beam time. It does so by evaluating the scientific and technological merit of proposals from the General Users (GUs) and determining their priority using criteria based on IUPAP’s Recommendations for the Use of Major Physics Users Facilities. In certain cases laid down in the SESAME User Policy, it also evaluates proposals from Participatory Research Teams (PRTs).
The PRC is divided into four thematic Sub-Committees. When this is required by the scientific theme of the proposals received, the Director may establish ad hoc Sub-Committees.
The PRC members are appointed by the Director of SESAME after seeking suggestions from the members of SESAME’s Scientific Advisory Committee and the Chair and Coordinators of the PCR. They serve in a personal capacity, and hold office for three years. An additional appointment of three years is possible, but not automatic.
The Terms of Reference of the PRC are laid down by the SESAME Director.
Committee Membership:
SESAME Proposal Review Committee | |
Samar HASNAIN (Chair) | University of Liverpool, UK |
Archaeological and Heritage Sciences Sub-Committee | |
Mariangela CESTELLI GUIDI (coordinator) | INFN, Italy |
Francois FAUTH | ALBA Synchrotron, Spain |
Caroline JACKSON | University of Sheffield, UK |
Costanza MILIANI | CNR, Italy |
Chemical Sciences Sub-Committee | |
Sofia DIAZ-MORENO (coordinator) | Diamond Light Source, UK |
Thomas ELLIS | University of Saskatchewan, Canada |
Antonella GLISENTI | Univertity of Padova, Italy |
Sarp KAYA | Koç University, Türkiye |
Life Sciences Sub-Committee | |
Michel HOUGH | Diamond Light Source, UK |
Christophe SANDT | Synchrotron SOLEIL, France |
Zehra SAYERS | Sabancı University, Türkiye |
Lisa VACCARI (coordinator) | Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy |
Materials and Physical Sciences Sub-Committee | |
Muhammad Javed AKHTAR | PINSTECH, Pakistan |
Andrew FITCH (coordinator) | ESRF, France |
Brian ROSEN | Tel Aviv University, Israel |