The JSPS School Program is shown below:

Day Lecture Instructor Note


Synchrotron radiation and accelerator physics Dr. Amor Nadji (Synchrotron SOLEIL)  
General description of the beamlines for SR application Prof. Noriyuki Igarashi (Photon Factory, KEK)
SX/Device/Beamline Prof. Hiroshi Kumigashira (Photon Factory, KEK)
XAFS Prof. Hitoshi Abe (Photon Factory, KEK)
SX/physics Prof. Kenta Amemiya (Photon Factory, KEK)
Structural Physics/BL Prof. Hironori Nakao (Photon Factory, KEK) Parallel Lectures: Materials Science
Powder Diffraction Prof. Eiji Nishibori (Nagoya Univ.)
X-ray imaging technique Prof. Wataru Yashiro (The Univ. of Tokyo)
Protein Crystallography Prof. Noriyuki Igarashi (Photon Factory, KEK)

Parallel Lectures: Life Science

Protein Crystallography beamlines Dr. Takashi Kumasaka (JASRI/SPring-8)
SAX-biology Prof. Zehra Sayers (Sabanci Univ.)
Time Resolved-The pulsed nature of synchrotron radiation Prof. Shin-ichi Adachi (Photon Factory, KEK)
Infrared (IR) and terahertz (THz) spectroscopies Prof. Shin-ichi Kimura (Institute of Molecular Science)
XFA Prof. Izumi Nakai (Tokyo Univ. of Science) (Prof. Chiya Numako (Chiba Univ.)
Nov,15     Powder Diffraction Nishibori, Nakao, Yashiro Practical sessions    
Protein Crystallography Kumasaka, Igarashi, Adachi
Electronic structure Kumigashira, Kimura, Horiba
XAFS Abe, Amemiya
X-ray Fluorescence Analysis Numako, Nakai
Nov,16 Presentations by students    

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